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Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding the 7 Stages

Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding the 7 Stages

As a progressive disease, Alzheimer’s is not curable. Once you have it, you have it for the rest of your life. For this reason, individuals who get diagnosed with the condition, along with their loved ones, early on will make plans on the long-term care needs of their loved one to ensure their well-being. The subject of assisted living may come up in the latter stages.

This is why it’s important to dig deeper on the expectations when the disease progresses, so family members can know if it’s time to entrust their loved one to an Assisted Living Facility in Silver Spring, Maryland. According to New York University’s Dr. Barry Reisberg, Alzheimer’s progression comes in 7 stages.

Here’s a quick look at these stages:

  • Stage 1

    In the initial stages of a person’s illness, there are still no impairment symptoms detected such as memory difficulties.

  • Stage 2

    At this stage, it is now evident that there is a very mild decline of their memory. The common scenarios include losing some of their things inside the home. However, the forgetfulness can still appear normal and the person may have good results on memory tests.

  • Stage 3

    The person’s cognitive issues slowly begin to show at this stage. The common manifestations include frequently unable to find the right word to say in a conversation, plan and organize things or activities, and remember the names of the people they just met.

  • Stage 4

    During this stage, the patient will show the actual symptoms of Alzheimer’s. In most cases, they will have difficulty solving simple math questions, maintaining their short-term memory such as what they did that morning, and forgetting to pay their bills and even their own past.

  • Stage 5

    This is the beginning of the progression to the severe stage, wherein the patient will need assistants who can provide Senior Care Services. The patients will be unable to dress themselves easily and can be confused very often. However, at this stage, patients can still do some things on their own such as bathing or using the toilet.

  • Stage 6

    Characterized as the severe decline stage, this phase puts the patient in need of diligent supervision and attention. They will also need professional care assistance at home or in a facility providing Residential Care in Maryland. The patient will have lost most of their ability to remember anything, even on the way they control their own bladder movements.

  • Stage 7

    Considered to be the final stage, patients at this phase are nearing their end of life. They will no longer be responsive to their surroundings, not recognizing anything or anyone, and is on the terminal stage. They may mumble some things but will have inability understanding any of these.

The struggles of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s are real; but our team at Nu-Life Assisted Living, Inc. will be here to help you manage their well-being. If you’re in need of our services, set an appointment right away.

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